BMI means Body Mass Index. It measures the thinness and fatness of the body. This is an indicator whether we are underweight, normal, overweight , or obese.
Too much fat in our body could lead to high risk of having diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stress, cancer and arthritis.
It is important to know our BMI so that we will know whether we are at risk or needs to improve to achieve fitness.
Here is how to compute the BMI.
BMI = Body Mass Index
BMI = Wkg
= 50/ 1.50m2
= 50/ 2.25
BMI = 22.22
Classification = Normal
Compute the BMI
Weight is 55 kgs while the height is 1. 44m.
BMI = 26.52
Classification = Overweight
If the weight is 67 kgs while the height is 1.72m. What is the BMI?
BMI = 22.65
Classification = Normal
So now, compute your BMI.
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