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Showing posts with the label Asynchronous

Harmful Effects of Alcohol

Do you indulge in alcoholic beverages during important events? Did you realize that drinking alcohol has harmful effects? Alcohol  - is an intoxicating substance produced by fermentation of grains and fruits. It is a depressant that slows down body functions such as movement, speech, reaction, time, and thinking ability.  When someone drinks alcohol, it enters the bloodstream. From there it travels to the brain, and because it's a depressant, it slows down the functions of your body. Ethyl alcohol  is the only kind of alcohol used in beverages. The type of alcoholic beverage depends on the type of fruit or grain used in fermentation and the amount of alcohol present.  The most common alcoholic beverages are  beer and wine. Why do people like to drink alcohol? Here are some of the reasons    for drinking alcohol: 1.  Peer Pressure.  People try alcohol when they are in social settings where everyone else is drinking.  2.  Stress-relie...

How to create Batik using Washable Glue

Batik means to dot.  This is one of the famous art work in Indonesia. Watch this video so you have a guide on how to make BATIK Thank you for reading and commenting...

Arts of SouthEast Asia - Indonesia

Write your answers on your MAPEH Notebook.   Label FA # 1.5 - Pre - Assessment.  Answer this Pause , Reflect and Answer - Pre Assessment.  (Indicate your family name & section) CHECK YOUR OWN WORK! How much scores did you get? Did you able to answer everything? Continue reading... Answer this Pause , Reflect and Answer - Formative Assessment  on MAPEH Notebook. Label it  FA # 1.5 - True or False  (Indicate your family name & section) Check your own work.  How much do you get? Is it 6/6?  Now lets continue reading.. Video Hand drawn type Batik It's time to Check what you learn! Answer this Pause - Reflect and Answer.  Label it  FA #1.4 - Assess & Learn  -  Classification (Indicate your family name & section) Check your Own work. Take a screen shot of your scores.  FA # 1.5 - Pre-assessment FA # 1.5 - True or False FA # 1.5 - Classification Total of your score   /15 points. How much did you get? It'...