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Showing posts with the label Physical Education

Dance and it's Classification

Dance  refers to creative movements or isolated movements. It is derived from man's activities either by mimicking or by creative choreography. This is usually set to a music and pattern of beats. Dance movements may tell story or interpret a song. These dances are called  Theatrical Dance . These are usually performed by dancers on a stage with spectators. On the other hand, there are dance movements that are intended for social interaction or exercise. These dances are called  participatory . Ballroom and folk dances are examples of participatory dance.    How important is dancing?   Some of you may not be fond of dancing or may be probably be shy to dance because you think you are not good in dancing. But you should know that dancing is not only for its aesthetic value or for entertainment. There are other benefits or importance of dancing. These includes the following;  1. Dancing is a form of exercise. 2. Dancing is a means of expressing oneself. ...

PT #3.2 - My Recreational Activities for the Family

Content Topic: Leisure and Recreation Performance Standard: The learner . . .   Plan recreational  that your family  for the family to achieve fitness. Performance Task: Plan a recreational activity/ies to be participated by your family. Write your plan in short size bond paper (be creative) or canva. Then find time doing it with your family.  Materials: pen, paper, ideas, canva, cellphone   for documentation Procedures: Plan recreational  that your family will engage this upcoming weekend/break. (Refer to the suggested different types of recreational activities ) Then answer the following questions: (Write it in the documentation or you may take a video while answering those questions)       B.1 -  Did you enjoy the activity?          2 -  What did you feel after doing it?          3  - Did the activity help you feel relaxed?         ...

History of Chess & How it is being played

Chess is an analytical game. It is one of the indoor recreational activities which can boost your mental aspects.  Here is the video lesson for this topic. After watching the video, do the following: A. FA # 3.3 - Chess Lesson   Answer all those questions asked verbally or written on the slide which can be found in the video.  Once done.   Submit it here. B. Answer the question of the day .  Write your answer in the comment  section  below.      " How will you relate the lessons in chess in your real life? " C. Take the quiz . Click here to take the Quiz . Good luck and Have a lovely day! Thank you for reading and commenting...