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Harmful Effects of Alcohol

Do you indulge in alcoholic beverages during important events? Did you realize that drinking alcohol has harmful effects?

Alcohol - is an intoxicating substance produced by fermentation of grains and fruits. It is a depressant that slows down body functions such as movement, speech, reaction, time, and thinking ability. 

When someone drinks alcohol, it enters the bloodstream. From there it travels to the brain, and because it's a depressant, it slows down the functions of your body.

Ethyl alcohol is the only kind of alcohol used in beverages. The type of alcoholic beverage depends on the type of fruit or grain used in fermentation and the amount of alcohol present. The most common alcoholic beverages are beer and wine.

Why do people like to drink alcohol?

Here are some of the reasons  for drinking alcohol:

1. Peer Pressure. People try alcohol when they are in social settings where everyone else is drinking. 

2. Stress-relief. Alcohol provides the temporary illusion that problems have disappeared when in fact they have just been temporarily put on hold.

3. To lose one’s inhibitions. Alcohol provides the courage to take on difficult task.

4. Curiosity. People are curious to find out what it feels to consume alcohol 

5. Socialization. Alcohol is often served during social gatherings.

6. Psychoactive effects. Alcohol provides a sense of relief and detachment from reality.

7. Modeled by others. Alcohol drinking is sometimes influenced by parents and older people.

What are the reasons for drinking and  not drinking alcohol? 

Not all people like alcohol. Some have aversions to drinking.

Here are some of the reasons why people do not drink alcohol:

  1. Religion. People abstain from alcohol because of religious beliefs.
  2. Avoiding dependency and addiction. People who have had bad experience from home will avoid alcohol drinking.
  3. Pregnancy. Drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature baby.
  4. Taking medications for long-term conditions. Alcohol decreases the effect of maintenance drugs for diabetes and circulatory problems.
  5. Intolerance to alcohol. Some people have abnormal or allergic reactions when drinking alcohol.
Negative Health Impacts of Drinking Alcohol
Here are some the short and long-term effects of alcohol drinking:

What is BAC?

BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration is the amount of alcohol in person’s blood. Alcohol enters bloodstream within minutes after consumption.  Certain amount is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach. The rest is absorbed through the small intestines. Then the alcohol moves into the bloodstream affecting every cell in the body. The liver can only metabolize one ounce of liquor in an hour.  If a person consumes more than the said amount in an hour, the excess alcohol builds the bloodstream, causing effects to the body. 

What strategies can be used in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking?

The development of Resistance Skills can help an individual resist temptations or pressure. 

Resistance Skills are skills that are used to say "NO" to an action or leave a situation. Here are suggestive ways for effectively refusing negative peer pressure:

1. Say "NO" assertively. 

2. Give reasons for saying "NO." 

3. Repeat saying "NO" several times.

4. Use nonverbal behavior to match verbal behavior.

5. Avoid situations where you will be pressured into making wrong decisions. 

6. Avoid people who make wrong decisions. 

7. Resist pressure to engage in illegal activities, such as drug pushing and snatching.

Aside from developing Resistance Skills, there are healthful alternatives to cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking.

What are the healthful alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol that promote healthy lifestyle? 

1. Participate in sports and other physical activities. 

2. Develop a hobby like cooking and baking. 

3. Join clubs and civic organizations in school

🎯 Answer this question

What other suggestion or other health alternatives that you can personally apply in your own life and family that will prevent you from drinking alcohol. 

🎯After you study/review the lesson, and give suggestions for health alternatives, you are now ready to take the 🎯Quiz # 4.4 - Harmful Effects of Alcohol (click the highlighted and underlined word Quiz about Alcohol. Then, you'll be redirected to the site/form/activity)

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