Listen to the song carefully, analyze the following:
What is the time signature?
What is the form of the music used in the song "Mo li Hua"?
What is the country origin of this folk song?
What is the time signature?
What is the form of the music used in the song "Sakura"?
What is the country origin of this folk song?
What is the time signature?
What is the form of the music used in the song "Arirang"?
What is the first note of the song "Arirang"
What is the country origin of this folk song?
Compare the 3 Songs, is there a similarities and differences? If there is , what is it?
Similarities :
Mo Li Hua Sakura Arirang
Mo Li Hua Sakura Arirang
Write your answers here in google form. (Click the word google form so you will be directed to the google form)