Wayang Kulit is known as shadow puppet play in Indonesia. “Wayang” is an Indonesian/Malay word for theater. “kulit” which means skin. The Javanese word for shadow or imagination “wayang” connotes spirits. Performance of shadow puppets are accompanied by “gender wayang”.
It is one of the most distinctive shadow plays among Asian dramas which has evolved and grown most fully in Java and Bali Indonesia.
Festival and Theatrical Forms of Asia
Performance Standard:
The learner . . .
1.Create appropriate festival attire with accessories based on authentic festival costumes
2. Create/improvise appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, and costume for a chosen theatrical composition
3. Take part in a chosen festival or in a performance in a theatrical play
Performance Task:
To perform a Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppet Play
Wayang Kulit puppet, flashlight, video recorder, backdraft, cloth , musical background
- Read the rubrics on how you are being rated.
- Have a storyline for your puppet play.
- Practice narrating the story, producing sound effects, changing of voice and manipulating the puppets.
- Before your play, set up your area for the presentation.
- Ask help from any members of the family to take a video while you are presenting.
- Video Record the whole presentation from opening until ending.
- Create a channel in youtube (Use your Name for your Channel)
- Upload your video in youtube with the title: Shadow Puppet Play by: ( your name)Publish it in unlisted.
- Attached the link to the google classroom then Turned it in.
Puppet Manipulation - 10 pts.
Voice Projection - 10 pts.
Accuracy of the Story - 10 pts.
Scenery - 5 pts.
Expression - 5 pts.
Punctuality - 10
50 pts.
Deadline of Submission of Video LINK will be on May 12, 2021 .