At first , when I read one of the signages in Moalboal, "Freediving". I've really thought of - really, is it for free when you dive!? with a grinned face. Then here comes, the island hopping thing. In Moalboal, they have rich in wide variety of corals and sardines run which you can enjoy. But that time January of 2018, I didn't enjoyed it. You know why? I couldn't swim that much. I wore a life vest. Obviously, if you have a life vest. You can't go down.
And when I tried to remove the vest and jumped into the water, but I could hardly swim.
After that incident, me together with my family (Ryan and Chloe) decided to join the a swimming lesson,( thanks to our instructor "Tisoy" in Cebu City Sport Complex) and freediving community, Sawum.
Then, me and Ryan enrolled in basic freediver certification in PADI way back 2018 with Maria Noella Zosa also known as "Wei". We had two days sessions. One session was done in pool and the other one was in open sea.
Me in Moalboal 2019
I had just lately posted about my journey in freediving for I in my mind, I will just had to keep it to myself. But what I have noticed, other needs to know that I just started learning how to swim at the age of 38 and eventually learn the freediving as well. I am not a swimmer. I don't know how to float. And whenever the sea water is high and I could not place my feet on the ground, I got an anxiety attack. I used to be afraid in the ocean whenever its dark. Because of that feeling, I used to stay in a shallow water only and enjoyed so much the basking in the sand.
The moment I started the freediving, everything has changed. Though I would still love basking in the sand. I enjoyed now in deep sea water where there are lots of corals and fishes. Whenever I am floating in an ocean, tranquility is evident. All my senses becomes calm. No more anxiety. I am happiest whenever I do freediving.
With this post, may this be an inspiration especially to those who said that they can't do it for they are already old and afraid in the ocean. I am something to share to you, which I learn't from the training that I had. Freediving is risky if you are not into proper training. Besides, one of the reasons that someone with get into drowning, it's not because that you can't swim. It's because of anxiety. So, if you want to enjoy the salt life, take time to learn in swimming and get train to a certified instructor in freediving.
Sea yah! PeacE!!!